Support Us

Support for EIP results in more opportunities, technology, mentors, and scholarships for our students, which in turn helps us continue to prepare them for college and beyond.

You can support Early Identification Program by visiting the George Mason University Foundation site for online gifts where you can make exclusive donations to EIP. Established in 1966 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation, the GMU Foundation is organized and operated exclusively to assist the university in generating private support and managing, investing, and administering private gifts, including endowment and real property. It is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees




Special thanks to those who have contributed to the success of the Early Identification Program.

EIP strives to develop strong relationships with our community not only through partnerships with Northern Virginia school districts, but also with local business and organizations as well as corporations.  Friends of EIP and private donors support scholarships as well as numerous student academic and professional growth initiatives.

Our strategic alliances underwrite EIP’s programming such as the Summer Academy, Strengthening the Family, Math & Science Power Aid, EIP Preparatory, and our Academic Mentoring Program.

Corporate/Community Partnerships & Independent Donors

We extend a heartfelt thank you to the following sponsors among the EIP Corporate Alliance and our EIP partners.

Northop Grumman Logo
Bank of America logo
BAE Systems logo
Wells Fargo logo
Alexandria Fund for Human Services logo